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Attackers are developing and deploying exploits faster than ever

While there was a reduction in the widespread exploitation of new vulnerabilities in 2022, the risk remains significant as broad and opportunistic attacks continue to pose a …

Dormant accounts are a low-hanging fruit for attackers

Successful attacks on systems no longer require zero-day exploits, as attackers now focus on compromising identities through methods such as bypassing MFA, hijacking sessions, …

Defenders on high alert as backdoor attacks become more common

Although ransomware‘s share of incidents declined only slightly from 2021 to 2022, defenders were more successful detecting and preventing ransomware, according to IBM. …

criminal hacking
Attackers never let a critical vulnerability go to waste

GreyNoise Intelligence unveiled its research report that dives deep into the most significant threat detection events of the past 12 months. “When it comes to cybersecurity, …

Cybercriminals create new methods to evade legacy DDoS defenses

The number of DDoS attacks we see around the globe is on the rise, and that trend is likely to continue throughout 2023, according to Corero. We expect to see attackers deploy …

Reported phishing attacks have quintupled

The third quarter of 2022, APWG observed 1,270,883 total phishing attacks — is the worst quarter for phishing that APWG has ever observed. The total for August 2022 was …

85% of attacks now use encrypted channels

Malware continues to pose the greatest threat to individuals and businesses across nine key industries, with manufacturing, education and healthcare being the most commonly …

5 cybersecurity trends accelerating in 2023

Netwrix has released key cybersecurity trends that will affect organizations of all sizes in 2023. Here are five specific trends that you need to be aware of: The business of …

What businesses can do to anticipate and mitigate ransomware threats

In this Help Net Security video, Kevin Holvoet, Cyber Threat Intelligence Instructor, SANS Institute, discusses ransomware and Ransomware as a Service (Raas) attacks, and …

SquarePhish: Advanced phishing tool combines QR codes and OAuth 2.0 device code flow

In this Help Net Security video, Security Consultant Kam Talebzadeh and Senior Security Researcher Nevada Romsdahl from Secureworks, showcase SquarePhish, a tool that combines …

Three ransomware gangs consecutively attacked the same network

Hive, LockBit and BlackCat, three prominent ransomware gangs, consecutively attacked the same network, according to Sophos. The first two attacks took place within two hours, …

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