Message archiving solution with unlimited storage
Red Condor introduced Red Condor Archive, a secure message archiving service that helps organizations meet compliance regulations, e-discovery support requirements, and data storage and management best practices. It’s a scalable, software-free service that provides automatic backup of all inbound and outbound messages, supports all messaging systems and can be managed through a web-based interface.
Red Condor Archive service plans include lifetime retention and unlimited storage. Data is stored online and immediately accessible for comprehensive searches through secure administrator and end-user dashboards. Archive users will be able to search, retrieve and export messages by keyword, sender, recipient, data range and other criteria, as well as add comments, tag keywords and flag for review.
The service does not require any additional hardware or software, or ongoing maintenance. All access to archived data is protected by SSL encryption and adherence to DoD AES standards ensure that data is not accessible in clear-text.