security culture

Know your adversary: Focus on social engineering
In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2017, Tim Roberts, Senior Security Consultant at NTT Security, talks about social engineering and emphasizes the importance of …

Enterprise security culture: Why you need it, and how to create it
Security awareness is a term that most information security professionals are familiar with – security culture a little less so. “Security awareness training is …

Review: Advanced Persistent Security
About the authors Ira Winkler, CISSP is President of the Internet Security Advisors Group. He is considered one of the world’s most influential security professionals. Araceli …

Is remote access technology leaving you vulnerable?
Insider and third-party access are growing security threats facing organizations and enterprise IT systems, according to Bomgar. Proliferation of security issues Despite …

Security awareness is good, but good security culture is better
As an efficient mechanism to influence employee behavior, security culture is one of the most important, yet most overlooked, aspects of organizational security. “A …

Security skills need to be deep and wide to mitigate critical risks
Businesses recognize security as a growing imperative, but many remain on the defensive, fighting cyber threats with dated tactics and training, according to CompTIA. …

Mitigating internal risk: Three steps to educate employees
IT security is usually focused on how to prevent outsiders with malicious intent from causing harm to your IT systems and data. While this is a valid concern, people within …

88% of employees lack awareness to stop privacy or security incidents
The results of a new survey testing employee data privacy and cybersecurity knowledge reveal that 88 percent lack the awareness to stop preventable cyber incidents. MediaPro …

Five tips to help execute an employee training program
One of the best ways to reduce the risk of data breaches is employee training. This is particularly important during the fall “back to business” season when many …

How US, UK SMBs keep company passwords safe
AVG’s Business division has asked 381 of their small-to-medium business customers in the US and UK sixteen questions about their password-protection policies and …

Security startup confessions: Building a team
My name is Kai Roer and I am a co-founder of a European security startup, and these are my confessions. I hope you will learn from my struggles, and appreciate the choices …

Boardroom execs still don’t know the value of data
Almost two thirds of businesses still don’t know the value of critical data assets being targeted by cybercriminals. IRM surveyed security heads at their recent conference, …
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- Attackers compromise IIS servers by leveraging exposed ASP.NET machine keys
- Self-sovereign identity could transform fraud prevention, but…
- Ghidra 11.3 released: New features, performance improvements, bug fixes
- Ransomware payments plummet as more victims refuse to pay
- The overlooked risks of poor data hygiene in AI-driven organizations