AEP Netilla Security Platform release 5.4 SSL VPN now shipping
AEP Networks announced general availability of its latest Secure Sockets Layer Virtual Private Network platform. The AEP Netilla Security Platform is now shipping with Release 5.4, which includes significant scalability and performance improvements, major administrative upgrades, and other new features such as:
” Load balancing for failover and scalability: The new AEP Netilla Security Platform Load Balancer (NSP-LB) appliance provides scalability and high availability for an NSP SSL VPN cluster. The NSP-LB platform is available in two models – the entry-level Active-Active Failover (NSP-LBF) and the Active-Active Cluster (NSP-LBC) for larger deployments with up to 15,000 concurrent users.
” Citrix Presentation Server policy and resource control: NSP administrators can control Citrix resource usage such as universal printing, audio resources, clipboard usage, drive mapping, and serial port redirection for greater security and performance management.
” Seamless integration with PowerTerm WebConnect from Ericom Software: This integration effort provides improved secure remote access to applications residing on Windows Terminal Servers and legacy host systems, offering the market a robust, secure and affordable alternative to Citrix Presentation Server and Citrix Access Gateway.
” Native support for Microsoft IE7: Customers may upgrade to IE7 and take advantage of its new security and ease of use features. Seamless support of IE7 is particularly important since many users’ browsers will be automatically updated to IE7 via the Windows XP Automatic Update mode.