O’Reilly releases Windows Vista: The Missing Manual
Microsoft will release Vista to general consumers early this winter–but without a user’s manual. Thankfully, David Pogue’s Windows Vista: The Missing Manual (O’Reilly) will be right there when Vista hits the streets-an up-to-the-nanosecond single book that offers complete, comprehensive coverage of all five Vista versions.
“After years of clunking along, piling features upon features without much thought or care about beauty, elegance, or coherence, Microsoft has gotten an Apple-like religion of doing things right,” says author David Pogue. “Vista is beautiful, and presents a much less technical, geeky personality. Unfortunately you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. In Vista, familiar features have been simplified, thrown out, renamed, or moved around. In other words, Vista is much better, but very confusing to anyone used to the old Windows.”
Like its predecessors in the Missing Manual series, this book-sporting a new updated look-from columnist, best-selling author, and Missing Manual creator David Pogue, illuminates its subject with technical insight, plenty of wit, and hard-nosed objectivity.
David Pogue is witty, down-to-earth, and unafraid to identify certain useless features as “dogs.” His Windows Vista: The Missing Manual is a powerful, inexpensive how-to guide that informs the reader about thousands of new features, showing not only what they do but why you would use them-or not.
The bottom line is that when Windows Vista hits, there’ll be a whole lot of head-scratching going on-and The Missing Manual will be there to show readers the important things they need to know.