Tizor launches first data auditing and protection blog
Tizor Systems announced the launch of the DataAuditingBlog, the first blog about data auditing and its related subjects, which is located at Authored by Prat Moghe, founder and CTO of Tizor Systems, this educational blog speaks primarily to professionals charged with security, IT and compliance for their companies as well as IT auditors, database practitioners, customers and partners focused on the data security industry. ÂÂ
Designed to promote discussion, the DataAuditingBlog will address the latest trends and issues from a data auditing and protection perspective. Weekly posts will focus on topics that directly help to defining the data auditing space and relate to where data auditing is today and where it is going. As the postings progress, Prat, with occasional support of guest bloggers, will expand the scope of the discussion by commenting on how data auditing ties into hot button issues such as data theft, data breaches, compliance, and data governance.ÂÂ
In today’s posts Prat introduces the blog and tackles the subject of “What is data auditing? Why does it matter?” Follow on posts include: “An insider’s look at the RSA security survey,” “Data Auditing – Where is the technology today and where is it going?,” “Data Auditing vs. Content Monitoring,” and “Data Auditing and Data Encryption – How do you know when to use each technology for maximum compliance and data protection results?”