iQBioDrive portable biometric hard drive with CryptoLokr AES 256 bit cipher encryption

Artemis Solutions Group today announced the immediate availability of the iQBioDrive. It is being marketed by ASG as a device for secure personal portable data and an enabling solution for HIPAA, PCI-DSS, SARBOX and GLBa compliance. Starting at only $149.95, the iQBioDrive comes in 80GB, 120GB and 160GB capacities and is completely portable using only a USB connector to attach to any computer.

The CryptoLokR AES256 secure encrypted partition on the iQBioDrive is set to Multi-Factor (Triple Factor) Authentication incorporating a token, fingerprint and secure password. This security method means that you must first use your fingerprint to unlock the “Secure Partition” of the drive and then use a secure password and then the drive checks against a hidden encryption key located on the drive to finally mount the “Encrypted Partition” creating a super-secure method of storing your most private data.

The iQBioDrive is the first available portable hard drive that gives you the option of storing data in one of three different storage areas with three increasing levels of security:

Public Partition (Open Security) – This drive partition which is factory defaulted to ~ 10% of the drives capacity is available whenever the drive is plugged into a computer. Items stored in this area are ALWAYS available whenever the drive is attached to a PC. Examples of items that you might want to store in this volume are portable anti-virus programs or sales presentations (with publicly available data) that you want to run from any PC.

Biometric Secure Partition (Biometric Locked Security) – This drive partition which is factory defaulted ~ 15% of the drives capacity and is available when the user authenticates with their fingerprint. This area of the drive has a higher security level than the Open Partition but does not have encryption.

Encrypted Secure Volume (Multi-Factor Security) – This drive volume is a sub-set of the Biometric Secure Partition which is defaulted to ~ 75% of the drives capacity and is available ONLY after authenticating with your fingerprint and then verifying your identity with a secure password and/or keyfile.

Using AES256 Standard Encryption with a private encryption key, a high security password and biometric identification, this three-factor authentication system makes the iQBioDrive one of the most secure portable storage devices on the market today.

The iQBioDrive is immediately available through Biometrics Direct, iQBio’s webstore,, and other distribution partners in 80GB, 120GB and 160GB capacities at $149.95, $219.95 and $299.95 respectively.

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