Mikro Knjiga releases “Computer Systems and Network Security”
Security has been a government and military issue for quite some time – let’s just say – long enough. Now it has became a problem for almost anyone who uses a computer and Internet in one way or another.
“Computer Systems and Network Security” is published in Serbian language and serves the people who are willing to protect their assets 24/7. It reveals the threats, the attacks and dangers you will be exposed to on the Internet, as well as the methods, techniques, tools, procedures and products that can help you to establish a bit more secure network or computer system.
The book is suitable for all levels of knowledge, programmers, administrators, designers and other professionals that interoperate with security in one way or another. It is a textbook both for students that attend this course on their colleges and for management of companies that rely on computer systems and networks. It explains both the theory and practice – one step at a time. “Computer Systems and Network Security” will not teach you how to break into someone’s network, or decrypt your neighbor’s e-mail, but it will teach you how to make your network more secure and protect your e-mail’s confidentiality and integrity.
This book will push you with math on cryptography, but it will also show you how to use it for free. It will teach you how to set up good firewall with $100 computer running Linux and iptables, and will help you understand what kind of malware has eaten up your files or hard disk and give you a suggestion how to repair it. It will teach you how to make your operating system a bit more secure by setting up permissions, group policies or simply by tracking and analyzing events that has already occurred. But remember – at the end it is all up to you! This book will open a new door for you; it is you who has to pass through.