Report describes IPv6 security issues for U.S. Government agencies
Juniper Networks just released “An IPv6 Security Guide for U.S. Government Agencies”. The report describes key issues and best-practices for government CIOs, CISOs (Chief Information Security Officers), IT directors, program managers, and system administrators responsible for ensuring their agencies’ successful transition to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). This is the fourth volume of Juniper’s “IPv6 World Report Series,” a compilation of lessons learned from Juniper’s extensive experience in networking and security best practices for government and commercial customers.
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has mandated that all federal government agencies transition their network backbones to IPv6 by June 30, 2008. The mandate is driven by the government’s drive toward IP convergence to support rapidly evolving needs in real-time e-government transactions and services, enhanced data transmission capabilities, and demand for more IP addresses.
Highlights of Volume 4 of Juniper’s report series include a breakdown of IPv6 security phases, benefits of IPv6 security, and recommendations for initial IPv6 deployment architectures. The report also offers an overview of critical security implementation issues such as training, compliance testing, and the proper governance and policy needed to make the transition.
The Juniper Networks IPv6 World Report Series was launched in January 2006 to provide extensive insight and counsel for U.S. government agencies’ transition to IPv6. The first volume focused on overall transition planning, while Volume 2 highlighted the importance of understanding IPv6 technology requirements to enable the next generation Internet. The third volume addressed critical routing and addressing issues during transition.
Organizations contributing to the report include government civilian and defense agencies, research and development networks and private industry. Additionally, the report received significant direction from organizations that have successfully implemented IPv6 in Asia and other areas of the globe.
Executive summaries and copies of the IPv6 World Report Series are available at