New GFI EventsManager allows extensive hardware monitoring
GFI Software announced today the release of a new version of GFI EventsManager. Version 8 allows administrators to monitor an extensive range of hardware devices from over 20 of the world’s largest manufacturers and report on the health and operational status of each device as well as track staff activity within the company, what they do on their PC, which files are accessed and much more.
Version 8 ships with full support for Windows Server 2008 and Vista events, SNMP traps generated by heterogeneous network sources and SQL Server Audits. GFI EventsManager has also achieved the prestigious Certified for Microsoft’s Windows Server 2008 status. The new platform will be launched later this month.
GFI EventsManager 8 is a solution that covers two main functions: events monitoring and events management and archiving. The first function helps administrators to monitor the health and security of the entire network and boost uptime, while the management and archiving function allows the administrator to centralize events from multiple sources in various formats in such a way that makes it easier to identify deficiencies, provide detailed audit trails and meet various compliance regulations The availability of data that is easily searchable and analyzed helps forensic investigations by reducing the complexity of the volume of events logs as well as the cost of, and the time required to analyze the data.
From a system events perspective, GFI EventsManager increases the range of systems and devices that can be monitored through various log types including Windows events, Syslog, W3C and SNMP traps generated by heterogeneous network sources. GFI EventsManager ships with new event processing rules which allow for a one-step configuration and support for Juniper Networks (via syslog), Allied Telesis (via SNMP traps), Cisco IOS (Catalyst family, via SNMP traps) among others.
The software can also be installed on, and collect events from Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Although these new platforms use a different log format, GFI EventsManager presents events from various operating systems in the same manner, thus allowing the user to get used to a common structure, irrespective of the platform being monitored.
Another new feature is SQL Server Auditing for commercial versions of SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005. With this function, administrators can track and report on SQL server activity such as: running of SQL statements, altering DB tables, attempts to access data without necessary privileges, etc. This can ensure data in SQL servers is authentic and thus reliable.