Subscription based security service for testing outsourced code development
Veracode is launching its portfolio of subscription-based services to provide organisations with a completely independent view of the risks posed to them by their applications. ÂÂ
 The Veracode SecurityReview service presents a major breakthrough by allowing users to obtain a single clear view of security risks right across their applications, whether those applications are purchased as commercial off-the-shelf software or developed offshore.  ÂÂ
As part of this new offering Veracode is the first to deliver independent auditing of externally sourced code, a cause of considerable security concern for a growing number of businesses.  By its innovative use of patented technology, Veracode is also the only provider to identify and remedy the security flaws in binary code, the very foundation of all today’s software applications, and thus eliminate the need for an organisation to hand over for test intellectual property represented in source code.