Apache MINA version 2.0.0-M4 comes with improvements and features
The Apache MINA project team released the new Milestone of Apache MINA version 2.0.0-M4, a code freeze version. Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users develop high performance and high scalability network applications easily by providing an abstract, event-driven, asynchronous API over various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP vis Java NIO.
This version is available for download here and fixes the following bugs:
- [DIRMINA-597] – AbstractIoAcceptor.toString() blocks when invoked from IoServiceListener.serviceActivated()
- [DIRMINA-626] – Compilation Error in org.apache.mina.transport.serial.DefaultSerialSessionConfig
- [DIRMINA-633] – ProrocolCodecFilter does not swallow the complete received buffer
- [DIRMINA-608] – Move stats out of the IoService API
- [DIRMINA-614] – Make TextLineDecoder extensible
- [DIRMINA-615] – Improved support for custom NioProcessors
- [DIRMINA-620] – IoSession has superfluous close() methods
- [DIRMINA-630] – CRLF constants for LineDelimiter
New features:
- [DIRMINA-415] – Proxy support
- [DIRMINA-478] – GzipFilter
- [DIRMINA-519] – BufferingFilter