Report: Hunting Evasive Malware

Today’s networks have more sophisticated automated defenses than ever, yet cybercriminals are taking full advantage of business disruptions and distractions in 2020. Adversaries are exploiting user behavior and leveraging trusted operating system tools to pursue “actions on objective” and evade detection. When used in combination, these techniques are effective at bypassing automated defenses to gain initial access.

Report Hunting Evasive Malware

Get new insights and defensive guidance from this Threat Intelligence Spotlight: Hunting Evasive Malware that draws on data from the 650-plus organizations that eSentire protects and VMware Carbon Black’s extensive endpoint protection install base.

Key insights of the report include:

  • Endpoint protection is more important today than ever before: the global pandemic has dramatically altered the security perimeter by forcing work-from-home models and accelerating the adoption of cloud services, weakening organizations’ security postures
  • Many malware campaigns employ User Exploitation and LOLBins (living-off-the-land binaries) to bypass automated defenses
  • In the first half of 2020, Zloader, Valak, SocGholish and More_eggs were observed successfully employing User Exploitation and LOLBin abuse to gain initial access
  • To increase open rates, threat actors have introduced messaging to target remote workers and take advantage of current events such as COVID-19 and global equal rights movements

This report is no longer available.

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