Vaultree unveils Fully Functional Data-In-Use Encryption solution for the healthcare sector

Vaultree announces a major leap forward in healthcare data protection, bringing its Fully Functional Data-In-Use Encryption solution to the sector.

Coupled with a groundbreaking software development kit and encrypted chat tool, Vaultree’s technology revolutionizes the data encryption landscape, providing full-scale protection of sensitive patient data, even in the event of a breach, while preserving operational efficiency and performance.

In today’s digital era, no sector is more vulnerable to cybercrime than healthcare. The first half of 2022 alone witnessed 337 breaches, affecting billions of patients worldwide. The repercussions of such breaches not only risk lives but also jeopardize the privacy of the most sensitive patient information, including women’s reproductive health data.

Vaultree’s solution redefines the security landscape, providing comprehensive data protection with complete search and computational capabilities, ushering in a new era of privacy assurance in healthcare.

“Time is of the essence when lives are at stake. Clinical trials, ePHI, advanced healthcare research, and all critical data must be shielded from a data breach. Bringing our proven Fully Functional Data-In-Use Encryption solution to the healthcare sector is transformative. Stolen or leaked data is rendered useless to cybercriminals, while maintaining optimal performance in data processing,” said Ryan Lasmaili, CEO of Vaultree. “This is our commitment to meeting the urgent need for secure, privacy-centric healthcare and setting a safer future for patients and healthcare providers.”

With Vaultree, healthcare organizations are now equipped to securely process, search, and compute encrypted data in real time, enabling precise data analysis and AI-driven modeling to enhance patient care and outcomes. Complying with vital privacy and security regulations, such as HIPAA and GDPR, becomes effortless.

“We’re not just protecting data, we’re empowering healthcare organizations to enhance their service,” said Ryan Lasmaili. “From improved data analytics to enriched patient experiences and telemedicine capabilities, privacy does not have to compromise performance.”

Vaultree’s partnerships highlight its innovative and forward-thinking approach. Joining forces with Google’s AlloyDB for PostgreSQL, Vaultree leads the cybersecurity industry into a new era of cloud-based, Fully Functional Data-In-Use Encryption.

In addition, Vaultree’s alliance with Qrypt supports the only unbreakable key generation algorithm in the market, allowing Vaultree to offer unmatched data protection across sectors. Vaultree supports enterprises handling large amounts of sensitive data, including those in financial services, insurance, retail, telecom and energy sectors.

Vaultree’s unwavering commitment to improving data privacy and security across all sectors is evident. With its healthcare-specific solution, Vaultree is making significant strides in protecting sensitive patient data, fostering enhanced healthcare experiences, and fundamentally reshaping data security standards within the sector.

By enabling better communication, understanding, and care through Vaultree, healthcare providers can offer improved services while maintaining respect for patients’ privacy.

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