Silobreaker unveils risk scoring capabilities to help threat intel teams define and evaluate risks

Silobreaker has introduced new risk scoring capabilities to help threat intel teams better understand, categorise and prioritise the cybersecurity risks facing their organisations. The new features include a convenient way to interpret and compare the Indicators of Compromise (IOC) risk scoring systems used by various threat intelligence providers as well as new a proprietary domain and IP reputation service to enrich indicators with additional context.

Silobreaker has also introduced normalised IOC risk scoring to its platform, providing organisations with a consistent and easy-to-understand way to assess the maliciousness of IOCs, regardless of the intelligence source.

Threat intelligence providers use their own risk scoring systems, which can make it difficult for organisations to accurately assess risks to their operations. To help organisations interpret these different metrics, Silobreaker has developed an overarching, colour-coded risk scale – ranging from negligible to critical – alongside a clear overall risk score, which is calculated by taking the maximum score across Silobreaker’s range of included and premium enrichments.

These new measures provide a definitive, single source of truth to organisations. Not only does this save security teams time and resources but it also speeds up the decision-making process around how to prioritise and respond to a threat, and provides increased confidence in risk assessments.

Also new to the Silobreaker platform is the company’s own reputation service to enrich IOC data. Included for all customers, the Silobreaker domain and IP reputation service enables threat intelligence teams to automatically identify infrastructure – such as domains, URLs and IP addresses – being used in cyber-attacks.

Leveraging data collected from a global network of honey pots and hundreds of millions of endpoints, this new intelligence source enables teams to immediately identify the risk level of each threat and is accompanied by valuable contextual information. This rich new data can be flagged up to stakeholders through Silobreaker’s integrated reporting and dissemination tools, enabling faster action against malicious indicators.

These new additions complement the extensive range of enrichments already available on the Silobreaker platform, enabling organisations to access and pivot between the widest possible range of intelligence sources, all from one place. These new enrichments also extend the accuracy of Silobreaker’s new normalised risk scores.

“Security teams have an acute fear of missing a threat – they need to have all relevant threat intelligence at their fingertips and complete confidence that it is accurate,” said Kristofer Mansson, CEO of Silobreaker.

“By adding even more enrichments to our data source-agnostic platform – and by providing a new standardised language and scoring system to help define and evaluate risks – Silobreaker is arming organisations with the complete-IOC intelligence toolkit to reduce risk and protect revenues,” Mansson concluded.

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