Zeljka Zorz
Latest scams and how to avoid them
Over the years, we have come to rely on the Internet to fulfill many of our needs – the need to keep in touch with our friends and colleagues, the need to save time and …
Mobilizing a community to fight malware
The word about Immunet’s free anti-virus solution is spreading fast. The agent installed on my computer tells me that there are currently 162,597 people in the Immunet …
Forged checks pass flawed examination process
The recent cases of two Texan women who had their personal information and checking account numbers stolen and used to validate bogus checks, have brought into the spotlight a …
Trojan disguised as a toolbar for Facebook
A Facebook toolbar is just what you need to make your sharing and connecting with friends easier, says in an email supposedly coming from “Facebook.com”: If you …
Fake Amazon “Deal of the Day” emails doing rounds
Fake Amazon newsletters have lately become regular visitors in inboxes around the world, says Trend Micro. With “Amazon.com Deal of the Day” in the subject line, …
A possible solution for banking Trojans?
ZeuS, Spy Eye, Mariposa – these are just some of the many information-stealing Trojans out there. ZeuS is, hands down, the most prominent. Its longevity is assured by …
European privacy concerns regarding U.S. policies
There are a lot of people in Europe who feel that governments and companies should not be able to collect information of individuals so they can use it in ways that violate …
Fake Twitter email continues to plague inboxes, leads to malware
Almost a week ago, Twitter began warning its users about fake Twitter Support emails. Since then, a couple of variants of the email have surfaced, with small differences in …
The Storm botnet strikes again
Once upon a time, the Storm botnet was responsible sending out 20 percent of all spam, but was eventually crippled by the rise of new malicious software removal tools. By the …
Securing the Borderless Network: Security for the Web 2.0 World
The future of the Web is mobile, virtualized, and collaborative. Among all the positive aspects and advantages that these changes will bring, there will also be some problems …
New malicious PDF
A new type of malicious PDF file has recently been spotted in the wild. This one contains an malicious object that was embedded into the file through the use of common the …
Poisoned search results: Our daily reality
The biggest threat to search engines are not their competitors, but poisoned search results. Since the moment when search engines have largely become the starting point for …
Featured news
Don't miss
- It’s time to secure the extended digital supply chain
- SysReptor: Open-source penetration testing reporting platform
- Microsoft fixes two actively exploited zero-days (CVE-2025-21418, CVE-2025-21391)
- 8Base ransomware group leaders arrested, leak site seized
- Apple fixes zero-day flaw exploited in “extremely sophisticated” attack (CVE-2025-24200)