HITB Security Conference 2018 – Amsterdam
The 9th annual HITB Security Conference takes place from the 9th till 13th of April 2018 and features six 3-day technical training courses followed by our 2-day triple track conference, a Capture the Flag competition, technology exhibition with an expanded area covering AI and blockchain related entities, a space for EU hackerspaces, a lock picking village, car hacking and hardware related exhibits plus our CommSec track – a free-to-attend track of 30 and 60 minute talks that we also live stream on Youtube!
The welcome address for the conference will be delivered by Michel van Eeten, Professor of Cybersecurity at Delft University of Technology followed by the opening keynote delivered by Marion Marschalek – a former malware analyst and reverse engineer, who recently started work at Intel in order to conquer the field of low level security research. She is also the founder of Blackhoodie, a free reverse engineering workshop for women. The closing keynote will be delivered by Amber Baldet, Fortune’s 2017’s 40 Under 40 of the most influential young people in business and the Executive Director and lead of J.P. Morgan’s Blockchain Center of Excellence.
As is traditional at HITB conferences, the agenda of talks on the 12th and 13th is packed with the latest attack and defense research that covers a wide range of technologies and industries. Highlight presentations include new ways of abusing the travel industry for free flights and hotel stays, a way to hack intelligent buildings to new methods of exfiltrating data from airgapped networks by setting up ‘ghost tunnels’.
The conference agenda and links to the CommSec track Youtube live stream can be found on the event website.