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Top application security challenges: Bad bots, broken APIs, and supply chain attacks

Vanson Bourne surveyed 750 application security decision makers responsible for their organization’s application development and security to get their perspectives on data …

bot protection
90% of security leaders view bot management as a top priority

HUMAN published a research into security leaders’ perceptions of and responses to sophisticated bot attacks. The research, which was conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group …

Bad bot traffic reaching an all-time high over the past year

In 2020, Imperva saw the highest percentage of bad bot traffic (25.6%) since 2014, while traffic from humans fell by 5.7%. More than 40% of all web traffic requests originated …

Want to get around a CAPTCHA? That’ll be 0.00094c, please

Shopping or booking an appointment online can seem increasingly like busywork. Please prove that you’re not a bot: select all the photos that show traffic lights. Do some …

bot protection
How do I select a bot protection solution for my business?

A recent research revealed that 25% of internet traffic consists of bots, meaning almost every human interacting online has its bot equivalent. Bots are generally used to …

372% increase in healthcare bot traffic could tamper with booking vaccine dates

Nations around the world are racing to acquire COVID-19 vaccines and assemble digital infrastructure and web applications to enable appointment booking. As they do this, …

Proliferation of sneakerbots across industries: The long tail of DIY bot operators

Many people’s first exposure to bots came from so-called sneakerbots. Sneakerbots are used to scan websites for inventory and automatically complete the checkout process. …

Organizations struggle to maintain application security across platforms

Global organizations are struggling to maintain consistent application security across multiple platforms, and they are also losing visibility with the emergence of new …

What analytics can unveil about bot mitigation tactics

25% of internet traffic on any given day is made up of bots, the Kasada Research Team has found. In fact, there is a synthetic counterpart for almost every human interaction …

Minimizing cyberattacks by managing the lifecycle of non-human workers

The number of non-human workers is growing, particularly as global organizations increasingly prioritize cloud computing, DevOps, IoT devices, and other digital transformation …

Attacks are rising in all vectors and types

DDoS, web application, bot, and other attacks have surged exponentially compared to the first half of 2019, according to CDNetworks. In particular, attacks on web applications …

Complex cyber attacks target online retailers

Peak levels of traffic will be seen throughout the holiday shopping season as a flood of consumers turn to online channels to purchase goods, Imperva reveals. A monthly …

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