The Wireshark certification program
CACE Technologies along with Wireshark University, announced the rollout of The Wireshark Certification Program. This new program strives to test a candidate’s knowledge and ability to troubleshoot, optimize and secure a network based on evidence found by analyzing traffic captured with the world’s most popular and widely-deployed analyzer, Wireshark.
Wireshark University is collaborating with VLabSource and their virtual lab environment to deliver the certification test. Using PC virtualization technology, VLabSource will enable a Wireshark Certification Program candidate to log into a web-based interactive virtual lab environment and launch a real instance of Wireshark on a virtual network.
Four Wireshark University courses in DVD format written by Laura Chappell provide excellent preparation for the certification test, as do classes offered by Wireshark University. Classes include trace files, details on troubleshooting techniques, and case studies, and are delivered by a group of instructors hand-picked by Laura, all with years of packet-level experience. In addition, Laura works closely with Gerald Combs (original creator of Ethereal/Wireshark) and Loris Degioanni (original author of WinPcap) to build the most current and complete educational materials to support Wireshark and those interested in learning how to use the open source tool to best advantage.