New book: Practical Packet Analysis, 2nd Edition

Wireshark, the free and open source packet analyzer, lets users capture, examine, and reassemble packets in order to troubleshoot their network problems. But once the packets are captured, the work has just begun.

In Practical Packet Analysis, readers learn how to use Wireshark to analyze packets in order to better understand network communication and troubleshoot network problems. This completely revised and updated second edition includes an expanded discussion of network protocols and 45 new scenarios.

Readers will also find new material on troubleshooting slow networks and a section explaining how modern exploits and malware behave at the packet level. Add to this a thorough introduction to the TCP/IP network stack and readers will be on their way to packet analysis proficiency in no time.

“If someone can analyze network traffic effectively at the packet level, there are few problems they can’t solve,” said author Chris Sanders. “This book is for anyone who wants to better understand their network, whether they’re a programmer, network administrator, or even a network security analyst.”

In Practical Packet Analysis, readers learn how to:

  • Use packet analysis to identify and resolve common network problems like loss of connectivity, DNS issues, sluggish speeds, and malware infections
  • Build customized capture and display filters
  • Monitor their network in real-time and tap live network communications
  • Graph traffic patterns to visualize the data flowing across their network
  • Use advanced Wireshark features to understand confusing captures
  • Build statistics and reports to help them better explain technical network information to non-techies.
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