Tips for combating online risks
To help consumers understand online risks and practice safe behaviors, Webroot security experts recommend the following:
Phone home safely – Mobile malware is on the rise, especially on Android devices, so take a moment to swing by the marketplace or app store to install a mobile security application that will safeguard your device against attacks. Many security apps can also help you locate your phone if it is lost or stolen.
Be wary of WiFi – It can be tempting to take advantage of free WiFi access points in airports, hotels or cafes, but resist the urge to use those connections to do anything other than browse.
Unsecured wireless connections can leave you vulnerable to a variety of risks, from data-stealing malware to wireless snooping of your logins or email messages by other travelers and guests.
Be strict about passwords – Use a different password for each site on which you have an account; do not allow your browser to store passwords for you; and use a password manager instead of writing down passwords or storing them in a Word document in order to remember them.
Incorporating numbers, letters and special characters like !, $, and * into your password makes it stronger. Webroot also recommends changing your password at regular intervals, and never use the same password at more than one site.
Keep your guard up – Social networks, instant messengers, and email are all rife with social engineering – a technique used by cybercriminals to trick you into divulging confidential information or infecting your own PC. When in doubt don’t click on unknown links from people even if the sender is a friend or relative. To further protect yourself, only accept friend requests from people you know.
Wear a bike helmet – Use your head and practice safe behaviors, whether you’re online or on the road. It’s a risky world out there. Stay safe.