Vercara introduces the Private Data Lake feature into UltraDNS

Vercara is introducing a new Private Data Lake feature to its UltraDNS product. The UltraDNS Private Data Lake offers a novel approach to managing and analyzing DNS data, providing businesses with access to their entire DNS query data and advanced analytics capabilities over this data.

DNS data can provide valuable insights into web traffic, cybersecurity threats, and user behavior. However, organizations often have challenges accessing and analyzing their DNS data, and the challenges become greater as businesses scale and grow. The UltraDNS Private Data Lake allows businesses to easily perform deep analysis of their DNS data at scale, all while maintaining security and compliance standards.

“The UltraDNS Private Data Lake sets a new standard in DNS data management,” said Enrique Somoza, Director of Product Management for UltraDNS. “Our goal is to demystify DNS data analytics, making them accessible and actionable for businesses of all sizes. Now that businesses are empowered to access these insights, they can leverage the data to make strategic business decisions on network infrastructure, security posture, and customer experience. This is about giving businesses the tools they need to stay ahead in a competitive and rapidly evolving landscape.”

The UltraDNS Private Data Lake provides complete data independence, meaning that organizations can perform deep analytics without restrictions or limitations. Organizations can get a comprehensive understanding of traffic patterns, user behavior, and other critical metrics to help them make informed decisions and drive business growth.

Since each customer can access only their own data, there are no additional data privacy concerns or regulatory requirements. Key benefits of Private Data Lake include:

  • Improved security and compliance: With advanced security features and compliance capabilities, customers can manage their DNS data knowing it’s protected against breaches and in line with regulatory requirements.
  • Customized data analysis and reporting: The feature allows for a high degree of data analysis and reporting customization. Customers can tailor their data analytics to specific needs, enabling them to focus on the most relevant information for their business operations.
  • Data independence and control: Customers have complete control over their DNS data, which is crucial for businesses that rely on timely and unrestricted access to their data for various analytics and reporting purposes.
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