Week in review: Online shopping safety, malware hybrids and Packet Wars
Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and reviews: Google Apps Script API flaw allowed attacker to impersonate Google Details …
Windows 0-day circumvents UAC
Windows zero-day vulnerabilities are lately getting discovered too often for Microsoft’s – and users’ – liking. Unfortunately for all of us, details of …
Exploit code for still unpatched 0-day used by Stuxnet released
After Stuxnet hit, it was discovered that it took advantage of four previously unknown Windows zero-day vulnerabilities to spread and compromise targeted systems. Three of …
Latest IE 0-day exploit finds its way into Eleonore toolkit
Microsoft will likely be forced to issue an out-of-band-patch for the zero-day vulnerability affecting Internet Explorer that has been discovered being exploited in the wild …
New IE 0-day exploit code found in the wild
Exploit code for a previously unknown Internet Explorer zero-day vulnerability that would allow an attacker to perform a remote code execution and install malware on the …
Metasploit Framework 3.5.0 comes with over 600 exploits
The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration …
The rise of Java exploits
Sifting through the data collected and analyzed in order to compile the latest Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, senior program manager Holly Stewart came to an …