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IoT world
Reposify: An IoT search engine that you can integrate into your products

With the unstoppable rise of the Internet of Things, and the still inevitable reality of their fundamental insecurity, knowing where, what and how secure they are is crucial …

Improve SecOps by making collaboration easier

There’s one word that we’ve consistently been hearing from information security pundits year after year: Collaboration. More often than not, they were talking …

How a security researcher is tackling IoT security testing

“A common misconception people in the industry have regarding my work as a security researcher is that I am sharing information that puts businesses at risk. And also, …

What differentiates a great CIO from simply a good one?

Earlier this month, Sophos announced the appointment of Tony Young as the company’s new global Chief Information Officer (CIO). Young started his career as a software …

How to choose a perfect data control solution for your enterprise

Not long ago, people used to come to work and work off of a desktop computer, tied to the network. Today, they work on their mobile devices, physically untethered to it. In …

Automotive security: How safe is a next-generation car?

The vehicles we drive are becoming increasingly connected through a variety of technologies. Features such as keyless entry and self-diagnostics are becoming commonplace. …

Hacking smart cities: Dangerous connections

Once just a curiosity for technology enthusiasts, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become mainstream. In fact, the IoT security market is estimated to grow from USD 7.90 …

Ryan Stolte, Bay Dynamics
Security analytics: Risk from the inside out

High profile security breaches are at an all-time high. The threat has finally reached the boardroom, and we’re seeing increased security spending. Funds are increasingly …

What a Chief Strategy Officer does, and why you need one

Seasoned IT security expert and former Gartner analyst Richard Stiennon recently became the Chief Strategy Officer for the Blancco Technology Group. It was the perfect …

Eduardo Cabrera, Chief Cybersecurity Officer at Trend Micro
CISOs need teamwork and a framework, says Chief Cybersecurity Officer at Trend Micro

Eduardo Cabrera is the Chief Cybersecurity Officer at Trend Micro, responsible for analyzing emerging cyber threats to develop enterprise risk management strategies. Before …

Can SourceForge win developers’ trust back?

SourceForge is under new ownership and management (again!), and their plan is to return the service to its former glory. The past Once the preferred source code repository and …

0patch: Microscopic cures for big security holes

Software vulnerabilities are one of today’s most significant information security issues. Disclosing high profile vulnerabilities has become tremendously rewarding, to the …

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