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Future malware will steal behavioral and relationship patterns

Whenever something of tangible value exist, there will always be those who will try to steal it, says a group of international researchers that recently published a paper on …

Trojan overrides Firefox password-saving behavior

A curious new information-stealing Trojan that patches a core Firefox file in order to override the browser’s behavior has been discovered by Webroot researchers. Every …

Spammers using new URL obfuscation technique

Spammers and scammers are always on the lookout for new tricks to use to bypass URL filters and deliver the links to unsuspecting victims, and lately they have discovered that …

Twitter “wrong credential combination” phishing scheme

If you have followed a link on a Twitter message from a contact that says “You have to be the first to see these new pictures!! LINK” and entered you username and …

Are computer “health certificates” the answer for the botnet problem?

Back in March, at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, Corporate Vice President for Trustworthy Computing at Microsoft Scott Charney proposed to the audience and to the world …

Infamous Canadian Pharmacy spam affiliate program shuts down

When it comes to spam, we’re all used to rising numbers – and the rising annoyance. But it seems that there could finally a reason to rejoice: it looks like …

A phishing e-mail to learn from

A phishing attempt that makes even people who are very good at spotting them pause for a moment and take a good look is a perfect example on which to learn. Ravi Dehar of …

A closer look at Knox for Mac

Knox (v. 2.0.5) is a Mac application that will allow you to create password-protected and encrypted vaults on your computer or to turn an external drive into one in order to …

Web-voting option suspended due to a system flaw

The option of casting your vote through the new D.C.’s Digital Vote by Mail system has been suspended because of a vulnerability that allowed a public tester of the …

Alleged leader of carding gang arrested

A Ukranian national suspected of being the leader of a gang involved in counterfeiting payment cards has been taken into custody by the Russian police. The arrest has been …

Cryptome hacked, founder e-mail account ransacked, the well-known whisteblowing site, was hacked during this past weekend, and all of its content (approximately 7GB of data) was deleted by the hacker who then …

Fake browser updates deliver fake AV or exploit kit

Not that long ago, Microsoft was warning users about rogue AV peddlers using compromised websites and fake browser warnings to urge them to download an …

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