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Stuxnet able to re-infect cleaned computers

Analysis of the Stuxnet worm reveals something interesting on an almost daily basis. Liam O Murchu, manager of Symantec’s North American Malware Response team, says that …

Largest simulated cyber attack to date

In order to test the National Cyber Incident Response Plan and the new National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, the DHS will hold the largest simulated …

U.S. drafts bill proposing easier Internet wiretapping

As criminals and terrorists are progressively ditching phone communication in favor of the online kind, U.S. law enforcement and national security agencies are worried about …

Google warns Gmail users on spying attempts from China

Recently, a number of users have been witnessing a glaring red banner popping up when they accessed their Gmail account, saying “Warning: We believe your account was …

ZeuS tries to bypass two-factor authentication

Since more and more financial institutions and companies are beginning to use mobile text messages in order to provide two-factor authentication to its users, it was just a …

Bizarre tale behind conviction for botnet initiated DDoS attack

In a curious twist of fate, a man who refused to continue his collaboration with a group who’s goal was to unmask pedophiles because he was concerned that their methods …

Examining the Stuxnet worm

Digging into the Stuxnet worm reveals all kinds of interesting information. Maybe you’ve heard that the worm propagates by exploiting the Windows .lnk file vulnerability …

“Girl killed herself” Facebook scam returns

If the title of the “Girl killed herself, after her dad posted This to her Wall” Facebook page sounds somewhat familiar, it is because almost two months ago the …

Cisco patches DoS flaws in IOS

Cisco has released a bundle of security updates for the IOS (the software used on Cisco Systems routers and current network switches) and the Unified Communications Manager …

Microsoft offers free AV to small businesses

In a well-calculated but also very positive move, Microsoft has announced that – beginning in early October – it will be offering its Microsoft Security Essentials …

The cookie that won’t go away

A proof-of-concept JavaScript API that manufactures persistent cookies and stores them in several types of storage mechanisms has been developed by security hacker Samy …

Theories about Stuxnet’s goal and authors abound

The quality of its code, the stolen certificates used to digitally sign it, the specifically targeted configuration, the four 0-day Windows vulnerabilities it exploits to …

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