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Businesses shifting to remote work need to focus on securing endpoint devices

Forrester Consulting conducted a study that shines a light on the increasingly complex realities of digital transformation, its impact on enterprise endpoint security for …

Massive increase in endpoint attacks, rising rate of encrypted malware and new exploits targeting IoT

Fileless malware and cryptominer attack rates grew by nearly 900% and 25% respectively, while unique ransomware payloads plummeted by 48% in 2020 compared to 2019, according …

IT security budgets to increase over the next 12 months

IT security budgets are spiralling out of control as organizations adapt to the everywhere workplace, an Ivanti survey reveals. 92% of CISOs highlighted the need to deploy …

5 key cybersecurity risks in 2021, and how to address them now

With an unexpected year of massive change behind us, many organizations have now an extensive remote workforce, new technologies in use, and digital transformation under way …

zero trust
The importance of a zero trust-based approach to identity security

97 percent of senior security executives say attackers are increasingly trying to steal one or more types of credentials, a CyberArk survey reveals. As organizations move …

remote work
Enable secure remote workspaces without trashing your entire IT infrastructure

Roughly 12 months ago, when the world shifted seemingly overnight to work-from-home, few companies were well-positioned to seamlessly scale their remote work solutions. Legacy …

Product showcase: USB-Lock-RP

USB ports in any organization’s network need to be controlled because connected devices such as USB drives and smartphones can be used to transfer malware to computers …

Lack of visibility into remote endpoints leaves companies vulnerable to ransomware

Illumio released findings on visibility and security practices for remote endpoints, revealing how vulnerable organizations are to ransomware propagating throughout the …

Isolation-based security technologies are gaining prominence

Cyberinc shared its insights into the key trends that will shape the cybersecurity industry in the coming year. With evolving tactics that increase the risk and impact of …

Small security teams overwhelmed by onslaught of cyber attacks

Companies with small security teams, generally SMEs, are facing a number of unique challenges, placing these organizations at greater risk than their larger enterprise …

Massive IT-employee disconnect hindering remote productivity

There’s a glaring disconnect between IT and employees that will hold organizations back from evolving with the market and embracing a long-term digital workplace that is …

A closer look at fileless malware, beyond the network

Cybersecurity is an arms race, with defensive tools and training pushing threat actors to adopt even more sophisticated and evasive intrusion techniques as they attempt to …

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