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Digital Security for Adobe Acrobat 6.0 from nCipher

nCipher’s booth at the RSA Conference 2004 nCipher launched pdfProof, a solution that works with Adobe Acrobat 6.0 software and establishes a single point within in the …

HNS Coverage from the RSA Conference 2004 USA

The entrance at the conference The 13th annual RSA Conference brings together IT professionals, developers, policy makers, industry leaders and academics to share information …

Video Interview with Victor Chang, VP of Technology of RSA Security Inc.

In this video Mr. Chang discusses the implementation of security for web services, various wireless security issues, the RSA Developer Central website as well as the state of …

Information Security & Negligence – Targeting the C-Class

Numerous recommendations since September 11, 2001 have been published on the evils of negligence relative to protecting one’s assets (cyber & physical). In light of …

Video Interview with Andy Cole, VP Sales & Business Development of Swivel Secure

In this video Mr. Cole discusses the current state of information security in the world, the biggest security issues as well as the work of Swivel Secure.

The Anti-Virus Industry Scam

One has to wonder how the anti-virus industry sleeps well at night. On one hand, it purports to serve the world by defending our computers and networks from any number of …

Video Interview with Johan Custers, Director of European Operations at Funk Software

In this video Mr. Custers discusses the biggest security issues affecting wireless networks today, various methods for securing public wireless networks, he offers tips for …

SSL VPNs – You Can’t Afford to Ignore Them

Amidst the cacophony about VPNs and whether IPsec or SSL is the better solution, and which vendor has done the most to satisfy the journalists and analysts, one …

Wi-Fi Alliance Announces a List of WPA Certified Products

The Wi-Fi Alliance announced that over 175 wireless products from more than 40 leading manufacturers received the long awaited Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) security …

Video Interview with Douglas Dormer, President of Black Dragon Software

In this video Mr. Dormer discusses Black Dragon Software in general, proVizor – a security solution that provides a standard way to mathematically measure the strength …

11 Elements of a Successful Managed Security Partnership

More and more organizations are turning to Managed Security Services (MSS) to help them achieve their security objectives. Security teams need to do more to protect their …

Secure Web Based Mail Services

What do field sales people, home teleworkers, medical personnel, and any one working remotely from a central site have in common? A need for up to the minute information. One …

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