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What does it take to be an infosec product strategist?

Choosing a security product that will best fit your organization’s needs is a challenge exacerbated by the “polluted, turbulent sea of ineffectual security …

What CISOs should focus on when deciding on a strategy

The effectiveness of an organization’s security strategy and implementation can sometimes be difficult to assess. Michael Hamilton, President and CISO of CI Security, …

Executing a multi-cloud strategy: Crawl, walk, run

Despite many challenges, enterprises are increasingly adopting cloud computing in an effort to become more agile, lower IT costs, and have the ability to scale. Most of those …

What will phishers do once push-based MFA becomes widely used?

As phishing continues to be the number one method for initiating a breach, investing in anti-phishing technologies or training – preferably both – should be a …

Which cyber threats should financial institutions be on the lookout for?

Banks and financial services organizations were the targets of 25.7 percent of all malware attacks last year, more than any other industry, IntSigths revealed in their latest …

Making the most of threat intelligence with threat intelligence gateways

Even though many security professionals are still dissatisfied with threat intelligence accuracy and quality, its use as a resource for network defense is growing. According …

What you can expect at HITBSecConf2019 Amsterdam

Taking place across 5 days from the 6th till the 10th of May 2019, HITBSecConf2019 Amsterdam is one of the most prestigious cybersecurity events in Europe. With the event …

DevSecOps: Fast development without sacrificing safety

DevOps has been a boon to companies looking to shorten the systems development cycle, pushing software developers and IT operations to work together and help their enterprises …

Microsoft 365 security: Protecting users from an ever-evolving threat landscape

In this age of frequent security and data breaches, the statement “We take our customers’ privacy and security very seriously” has been heard from breached …

Biohacking Village
Hacking healthcare: A call for infosec researchers to probe biomedical devices

It is a brave new connected world out there and there is no shortage of cybersecurity risks associated with everything we do. We can’t even be sure that the technologies …

Is your organization getting physical security right?

For most organizations (and especially for tech companies), the physical security of data centers and headquarters is of the utmost importance. As Tim Roberts, a senior …

The security challenges that come with serverless computing

Serverless computing (aka Function-as-a-Service) has been a boon to many enterprises: it simplifies the code development and deployment processes while improving utilization …

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