EU Digital Signature Directive Deadline
Almost all member states of the European Union have met the target of implementing the EU Digital Signature Directive by the July 19, 2001 deadline. The EU Directive 99/93 on electronic signatures specifies minimal requirements for certificates, certification service providers and signature creation and verification devices. The cornerstone of the law is the advanced electronic signature, which requires the use of “qualified certificates” to have the same legal effect as a handwritten signature. GlobalSign, a leading Trust Service Provider for Internet-based and mobile transactions, is today ready to deliver qualified certificates that meet the requirements of the EU Directive on Electronic Signatures.
The legal framework for electronic signatures will have a positive effect on e-commerce. Confidence and Trust are key issues in today’s e-business environments, as communication and transactions via Internet pose several threats to companies and individuals like intrusion, modification, repudiation and fraud. As businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations are IT-intensive and totally dependent on their information systems to operate on operational, tactical, and even strategic levels, e-security grows more and more in importance.
“PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) – the framework in which digital certificates are used for several types of applications – is regarded worldwide as the key element in the success of e-business. There is strong tendency in sectors where highly confidential information is exchanged, to outsource their PKI-infrastructures instead of running it themselves for obvious reasons such as the complexity of PKI, lack of PKI-specialists and time to market, ” says Henry Minassian, Managing Director of GlobalSign.
He adds: “The implementation of the EU Directive on Electronic Signatures in all member states of the European Union opens therefore huge perspectives for our company. Thanks to our collaboration in numerous projects with the EU (e.g. FP5-CSP- Certificates for Public Procurement, PKI-CUG- Certificates for Public Administration, etc), our participation in fora and discussion groups (e.g. EESSI, EEMA, etc) and due to various government-projects (e.g. PKI Overheid in The Netherlands, AGORA in Belgium, etc), we are well positioned to meet pan-European expectations on the delivery of services that meet the requirements of the electronic signatures Directive. In that perspective, we are probably the best positioned company to become the pre-eminent European authority in the field of electronic signatures.”
In a PKI-model, a crucial role is played by the Certification Authority, which identifies all parties and elements (individual, company or software) involved in a transaction. GlobalSign is the premier Certification Network in Europe and manages a global Network of Trust, providing individuals and organizations with the opportunity to exploit PKI technology for secure electronic communication and transactions.
About GlobalSign
GlobalSign, a pioneer in the PKI business since 1996, is a fast-growing international Trust Service Provider, headquartered in Brussels. GlobalSign is active worldwide as a Certification Authority. GlobalSign develops flexible outsourced PKI-solutions, and offers certification services for e- and m-business. GlobalSign has developed an international Network of Trust throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. GlobalSign is also the official Certification Authority for the European Commission and works with strategic groups and associations such as, among others, EESSI and EEMA. GlobalSign’s shareholders are Vodafone Group Plc, Ubizen, ING-Barings, Bruficom, GIMV, Technicom and KBC Bank. GlobalSign has been ranked in the TORNADO Top-100 representing Europe’s top emerging private IT companies (TORNADO-INSIDER 2001).
About GlobalSign outsourced PKI solutions
GlobalSign provides Trusted Third Party Services with unparalleled expertise in designing, building, implementing and operating high-end, managed PKI-solutions. Its position is clearly that of a PKI service provider, serving the market with complete and customised PKI solutions for e- and m-business. GlobalSign uses its international network to manage Trust globally.
For more information or pictures, please contact:
T??lay Kurt, Communication Manager, GlobalSign – Tel: +32 (0)27246895,
Frederic Dryhoel, PR Force – Tel: +32 (0)27130714,
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