Private Internet use by staff threatens IT security in Danish companies

IT analysis company IDC has recently published a new survey containing some alarming results: within the last year, almost 40% of companies questioned had experienced malicious software (malware) in the form of a computer virus or worm. And the primary source of these viruses and worms is no longer emails, but surfing on the Internet.

The IDC survey paints a picture of Danish companies having great faith in their staff, which consequently means that they expose themselves to greater risk of threats from the Internet.

Even though a good 75% of the companies taking part in the survey have implemented IT policies, the vast majority allow their staff to use company Internet access for private purposes. And among companies that do not allow private use of the Internet, an estimated 30% of management state that staff are using the Internet anyway for private purposes during working hours.

Even though companies are, in this way, exposing themselves to attacks by viruses, worms, and Trojan horses, a direct ban on staff use of the Internet for private purposes is neither a long-term nor a realistic solution. According to IDC, it would be more expedient to strengthen the monitoring of Internet use by staff.

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