New enterprise-grade cloud storage
Zetta unveiled its on-demand cloud storage architecture Zetta Enterprise Cloud Storage, which enables businesses to quickly adopt storage-as-a-service without expensive or risky changes to their information technology environments. Supporting all unstructured data types and backed by industry leading data integrity and security, Zetta’s scalable performance, enterprise-availability and guaranteed quality-of-service enables enterprise storage buyers to immediately benefit from the economies of the cloud.
Zetta Enterprise Cloud Storage offers:
- Instant, scalable capacity-on-demand
- Standards-based, plug-and-play integration to existing IT architectures
- Data protection, integrity, security and privacy
- Better-than-enterprise data availability
- Guaranteed quality of service.
For critical enterprise applications, data storage requires protection, manageability and performance. By designing and building the technology and service infrastructure expressly for this purpose, Zetta has solved the challenges that stifled previous industry attempts at sustaining the enterprise storage-as-a-service proposition.
Key innovations that Zetta brings to each customer include a cloud file system that delivers enterprise features in a truly multi-tenant environment; new advances in RAID technologies; PKI based security; and geo-redundant data collection, storage and distribution. With a distributed, resilient service infrastructure that offers unmatched integrity, security, reliability, dedicated performance and value to each customer, Zetta is changing the way that data storage is purchased, managed and maintained by enterprises.