Call for papers: Fourth annual 2009 eCrime Researchers Summit
The APWG and IEEE are inviting papers and research from electronic crime researchers for the fourth annual eCrime Researchers Summit (eCRS), the world’s only peer-reviewed research conference dedicated to electronic crime research, scheduled to be held in Tacoma, WA on October 20 and 21 this year, in collaboration with the University of Washington, Tacoma.
Research papers are invited within a wide variety topic spaces joined by the common theme of investigating the criminological aspects of electronic security, including phishing, rogue anti-virus programs, crimeware, click-fraud, botnets, delivery techniques, detection avoidance, user interface design as well as forensic subjects such as electronic evidence handling.
The first submissions deadline is May 25, for full paper abstract registration, followed by the full paper submission deadline on June 1, 2009. Papers that are accepted for presentation will appear in the IEEE Digital Library. Cash awards will be given for the best paper overall and the best student co-authored paper.
A limited number of cash travel awards will also be made to student authors of papers and posters through the APWG eCrime-Fighter Scholarship Program, funded each year by APWG industry and NGO members and research partners.
For more information visit this page.