TransCore broadens portfolio of RFID technology
TransCore introduces three new RFID transponders, including the Interagency Group (IAG) protocol standard onboard unit, the nationally interoperable eZGo Anywhere onboard unit with feedback LEDs and audio buzzer, and the eZGo Anywhere HOT/ HOV onboard unit, which provides motorists the ability to choose among operational occupant nomination modes with the push of a button. Also announced is the multiprotocol Encompass 6 reader that can be adaptable to future deployments of 5.9 GHz technology.
IAG Standard Onboard Unit
The IAG Standard OBU is a RFID tag suitable for electronic toll collection and traffic management applications. This new OBU is fully interoperable with all existing IAG equipment, meaning that the extensive array of IAG deployed readers will read these new OBUs without any modifications. The transponder is a read/write unit that supports adding and editing data to its onboard memory at high speeds in real-time.
IAG Standard OBUs support factory programming of fixed data fields that are locked at the factory and cannot be reprogrammed. Agency read-only data fields are programmed by the agency using password protected programming equipment.
eZGo Anywhere Onboard Unit with Feedback Lights (LEDs)
The eZGo Anywhere Feedback Onboard Unit is a multiprotocol RFID tag suitable for electronic toll collection and traffic management applications where driver feedback is specified. It is a read/write OBU that supports adding and editing data to the transponder at high speeds in real time. In normal road tolling applications, the LEDs and buzzer are used for driver feedback such as: valid tag; low balance; invalid tag, and lost or stolen tag.
The TransCore eZGo Anywhere Feedback OBU enables advanced security techniques that ensure a tag’s authenticity while preventing data corruption and/or alteration. In addition, tag cloning, spoofing, copying, or duplicating is prevented. All eZGo Anywhere OBUs support factory programming of fixed data fields that are locked at the factory and cannot be reprogrammed.
eZGo Anywhere HOT/HOV Onboard Unit (OBU)
TransCore’s eZGo Anywhere HOT/HOV (high occupancy toll/high occupancy vehicle) Onboard Unit feature a switch that, when pressed, causes the OBU to transition from one nomination mode to another. LEDs and an audible buzzer alert the driver of the OBU operating mode, for example shifting from “single occupancy vehicle” to “double occupancy vehicle”, “bus,” etc. The OBU is capable of storing up to 15 nomination modes, and the number of required modes can be customized. In regular tolling applications, the LEDs and buzzer are used for driver feedback such as valid tag, low balance, invalid tag, and lost or stolen tag.
eZGo Anywhere HOT/HOV OBU is a multiprotocol RFID tag suitable for electronic toll collection and traffic management applications where driver feedback is specified. It is a read/write OBU that supports adding and editing data to the tag at high speeds in real time. In conjunction with TransCore readers, it enables security techniques that ensure an OBU’s authenticity while preventing data corruption and/or alteration. In addition, tag cloning, spoofing, copying, or duplicating is prevented.
5.9 GHz Compatible Reader Technology Platform
The IAG Encompass 6 reader system has been engineered for allowing an effortless 5.9 GHz technology upgrade if 5.9 GHz technology is someday adopted by toll authorities. This allows toll authorities to move forward with technology deployments today while protecting their lane controller and other software investments by being adaptable to 5.9 GHz platform as it takes shape over the next decade and the current USDOT five-year test plan is completed. The Encompass 6 reader supports up to 7 different protocols so providing the versatility to accommodate a 5.9 GHz portal is a straightforward upgrade.