Motorola Solutions’ FirstNet Ready LTE device enables secure real-time data sharing
Motorola Solutions continues to support the rollout of FirstNet with the FirstNet Ready LEX L11 handheld device. The company’s public safety LTE device is designed for use on FirstNet or similar global public safety networks.
FirstNet is being built by AT&T in public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority).
Motorola Solutions is a member of the AT&T team selected by the FirstNet Authority to deliver FirstNet.
Motorola Solutions is working with AT&T to provide responders with the software capabilities, including voice, data, image and message sharing across a secure network to enable them to access and coordinate action based on vital information.
As a FirstNet Ready LTE device, the LEX L11 allows first responders access to secure apps for situational awareness. The LEX L11 is designed for use with the FirstNet Certified AT&T Enhanced Push-to-Talk (EPTT) application.
In addition, the LTE device can be paired to APXTM two-way radios for interoperability between ASTRO 25 land-mobile radio (LMR) networks and FirstNet.
The device’s noise canceling capabilities allows users to operate in high-noise environments typical for public safety, while also enabling situational awareness back to dispatch centers.
“FirstNet is transforming how our first responders operate on a day-to-day basis and coordinate incident management. Motorola Solutions is dedicated to providing the cutting-edge solutions first responders require to take advantage of FirstNet’s capabilities through technology like the LEX L11,” said Mary Doherty, vice president of sales and services at Motorola Solutions.
“The LEX L11 marries traditional push-to-talk communications reliability between first responders with software applications that allow them to share multimedia information with one another.”
In addition to the LEX L11 device, Motorola Solutions has delivered a suite of mobile apps, such as mapping and messaging, built to address public safety needs. The company is focused on creating cohesion between mission-critical LMR voice networks and dedicated public safety LTE broadband for data sharing.
“The more advanced tools public safety has access to on their network, the more we can help them achieve their mission,” said Chris Sambar, senior vice president, AT&T-FirstNet.
“With the FirstNet Ready designation, first responders can be confident that Motorola Solutions’ LEX L11 is a trusted solution that meets FirstNet’s standards for relevancy, high security and performance.”