HITBSecConf2019 – Amsterdam
Taking place across 5 days from the 6th till the 10th of May 2019, the theme for the conference this year is ‘The Hacks of Future Past’.
As usual we start with 2 and 3-days of technical training sessions on the 6th, 7th and 8th, followed by our 2-day multi-track conference, two Capture the Flag competitions, a massive technology exhibition (HITB Haxpo) featuring an expanded showcase area dedicated to past, present and future hacks. We will have areas covering everything from lock picking and soldering, to AI, blockchain and quantum computing. There will also be villages dedicated to EU hackerspaces, car hacking, IoT, SCADA, and hardware related exhibits plus our first ever self-driving, self-racing car challenge!
Alongside the main conference tracks, HITB labs, and Haxpo track, we will also be hosting an edition of Blackhoodie – a free, women only reverse engineering workshop on the 9th and 10th of May.