Utility Cyber Security Forum 2023
This event focuses on providing real-world preparation to utilities and other energy providers for successfully dealing with cyber security threats.
Critical precautions and enabling technologies are examined in detail, with the aim of preparing utilities for the threats that confront their unique type of ICS and SCADA infrastructures.
Topics to be addressed include:
- The current status of nation-state level APTs for the energy industry
- Defense-in-depth networking strategies
- Dealing with various protocols in the network (utility protocols, manufacturing protocols, etc.)
- Data protection
- Architecting a network security solution to address cyber threats
- Creating a culture of cyber compliance within a utility
- Holistic approaches to achieving greater network visibility
- Integrating natural gas, oil and pipeline industry as it relates to smart grid, SCADA & control systems security
- Addressing the IT / OT divide
- Protecting substations and distribution and transmission infrastructure from cyber attacks
- Cyber security for operational technologies and smart systems
- Ensuring grid SCADA and PLC grid control networks cyber security
- What works, what doesn’t, and what to put in place
- Steps for recovering from an industrial control system cyber breach
- Best practices in reducing human sources of vulnerability
- And more
In-depth discussion and information sharing: The interactive format of the Forum fosters group discussion among peers of critical challenges and strategies for addressing them successfully.
SCADA / critical infrastructure focus: The forum will zero in on issues of special relevance to electric utilities and other energy providers in the U.S. — versus more general enterprise cyber security topics.
Objective and authoritative: The agenda is driven by practitioners and innovators at U.S. utilities and cyber security companies — learn directly from the experts on the front lines of utility network security.
Ample networking: The emphasis is on the real-world case studies, best practices, and lessons learned for individuals at investor-owned, municipal, and co-op utility organizations — ample time is set aside to meet with solution providers and refine your cyber security strategy.