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How can organizations leverage AI technologies to achieve project success?

AI disruption is happening and at a large scale: 81 percent of project professionals report their organization is being impacted by AI technologies; 37 percent say adopting AI …

Volume and quality of training data are the largest barriers to applying machine learning

IDC predicts worldwide spending on artificial intelligence (AI) systems will reach $35.8 billion in 2019, and 84% of enterprises believe investing in AI will lead to greater …

When all else fails, organizations realize they must share threat intel

A large majority of security IT decision makers are ready and willing to share valuable threat intelligence data to help the collective industry make better, more informed …

While data enables innovation, its vulnerability continues to cause anxiety among IT leaders

Today’s technology landscape demands that companies determine how to manage and secure data in a connected ecosystem, as well as embrace it to create competitive advantages. …

C-Suite execs and policy makers find cybersecurity technology investments essential

The majority of C-Suite executives and policy makers in the United States believe investing in security software, infrastructure and emerging technologies is critical to …

Legacy infrastructures and unmanaged devices top security risks in the healthcare industry

The proliferation of healthcare IoT devices, along with unpartitioned networks, insufficient access controls and the reliance on legacy systems, has exposed a vulnerable …

Closed loop automation combats IoT security threats in the 5G age

The 5G race is on as carriers prepare for the onset of the next wireless generation in their own ways. While some have pseudo-definitions of 5G, others like Verizon and …

Organizations investing in security analytics and machine learning to tackle cyberthreats

IT security’s greatest inhibitor to success is contending with too much security data. To address this challenge, 47 percent of IT security professionals acknowledged their …

Capgemini research
Status of AI implementation at automotive organizations

Just 10 percent of major automotive companies are implementing artificial intelligence (AI) projects at scale, with many falling short of an opportunity that could increase …

Nearly half of organizations lack the necessary talent to maintain security measures

Regardless of their size, organizations share a common challenge: IT security teams are understaffed and overextended. The number of security alerts, the challenge of what to …

Is AI really intelligent or are its procedures just averagely successful?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms such as Deep Learning have become integral parts of our daily lives: they enable digital speech assistants or …

Businesses recognize the need for AI & ML tools in cybersecurity

71 percent of businesses surveyed in the United States plan to use more artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) in their cybersecurity tools this year, although …

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