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NSA surveillance system can listen to 75% of US Internet traffic

Another day, another set of revelations about NSA’s Internet surveillance capabilities and practices. Current and former government officials that (predictably) …

UK agents detain Greenwald’s partner, destroy The Guardian’s hard drives

It has been an eventful weekend for The Guardian newspaper, its reporter Glenn Greenwald and his partner David Miranda, as the British police held the latter and questioned …

Lavabit owner risks arrest for not complying with surveillance order

The incessant revelations fueled by the documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have made people reevaluate their expectations of privacy and their beliefs on …

NSA internal audit reveals thousands of privacy violations

An internal NSA audit document and several other seen by The Washington Post journalists prove that there have been over a 1,000 violations of FISA and presidential executive …

NSA sysadmins to be replaced with computers

NSA director and commander of US Cyber Command General Keith Alexander has announced that the intelligence agency is planning to drastically scale down the number of its …

Black Code: Inside the Battle for Cyberspace

If anyone knows what's really going on in cyberspace and which forces threaten stability and security, it's Ronald Deibert and his colleagues from the well known and reputed …

NSA tips off law enforcement, asks them to keep the practice secret

Just days after the NYT wrote about the NSA denying other federal intelligence agencies access to their surveillance tools comes the disclosure that a US Drug Enforcement …

German Minister calls for punishment of US companies involved in NSA spying

The revelations of mass online spying by US government agencies that involved cooperation from the British and the German governments and intelligence services, as well as the …

Snowden given asylum by Russia, leaves Moscow airport

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in the Russian Federation and has left the transit zone of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, RT reports. …

New leaks say NSA can see all your online activities

If you have followed the unfolding of the NSA surveillance scandal, you have probably heard the mantra “It’s only metadata!” repeated many times by US …

Online privacy: How did we get here?

As technology has evolved over the past two centuries, so have our expectations about privacy. This new digital world allows us to connect with each other with increasing …

Feds to web firms: Hand over encryption keys and user passwords

The US government and its intelligence and law-enforcement agencies have apparently been trying to get Internet firms to hand over both their users’ account passwords …

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