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password managers
Why are many businesses still not using a password manager?

Why are we still talking about passwords? We already have single sign-on (SSO), and passwordless is the new buzzword everyone is talking about, but when you put yourself in …

Password reuse is rampant among Fortune 1000 employees

SpyCloud published an annual analysis of identity exposure among employees of Fortune 1000 companies in key sectors such as technology, finance, retail and telecommunications. …

Keeper Security Business
Keeper Password Manager for Business

In this video, Craig Lurey, CTO and Co-Founder of Keeper Security, explains the features of the Keeper Password Manager for Business. Keeper eliminates the pain of having to …

The importance of balancing security requirements and employee user experience

LastPass released the findings of an IDC survey which revealed that “balancing company security requirements and the employee user experience” is the number one identity …

Password offenders: Who’s the naughtiest of them all?

In 2021, we’re celebrating the 60th anniversary of the computer password’s invention, but it also marks the year of some of the worst password mishaps this century. To honor …

Despite the popularity of password managers, many still use pen and paper

Password managers are a near-defacto standard for organizations, with 86% reporting they are being put to use, according to a Bitwarden survey of over 400 U.S. IT decision …

Many users are sharing passwords with someone outside their household

According to a survey by The Harris Poll, one in 10 Americans would prolong a relationship with a friend or partner to maintain access to their streaming account. Moreover, …

security awareness
Security awareness training doesn’t solve human risk

Traditional employee risk mitigation efforts such as security awareness training and phishing simulations have a limited impact on improving employees’ real-world …

Users increasingly putting password security best practices into play

While there is awareness of password security best practices, there is still work to be done to put that awareness to full use, a Bitwarden survey reveals. While Americans are …

Password reuse defeats the purpose of passwords

When a person reuses the same password across multiple accounts, one account’s exposure puts all the others at risk. To prevent this, cybersecurity awareness programs must …

Who are the worst password offenders of 2020?

As our lives have migrated almost entirely online due to the pandemic, the Dashlane list highlights the companies and organizations with the most significant password-related …

password management
How do I select a password management solution for my business?

91 percent of people know that using the same password on multiple accounts is a security risk, yet 66 percent continue to use the same password anyway. IT security …

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