New Wireless Security Boot Camp Coming to Dallas

Airscanner Corp. today announced a new Wireless Security Boot Camp to be held in Dallas, TX on Feb. 3-4, 2005. Originally presented at the University of Pennsylvania, this course has grown into an intense, two-day lecture and lab. The small, intimate class size allows close interatction between attendees and the presenter. A detailed syllabus of what is covered can be found at:

The course is vendor neutral and particularly emphasizes Linux and freeware security auditing tools.

“This is a maximally intense 802.11 hacking lecture and lab,” stated Seth Fogie, co-author of the books “Maximum Wireless Security” from SAMS and “Security Warrior” from O’Reilly. “We love to teach, and the enthusiasm of the attendees in the pilot seminar was overwhelming. By popular request, we have expanded the course to two days of interactive lecture and lab.”

Attendees will learn defenses against jamming, injection attacks, WEP/TKIP/LEAP cracking, and more. They will also learn how to use PEAP on FreeRADIUS, wireless intrusion decection, and more — step by step. Attendees will also learn the latest wireless security standards including RSN, AES-CCMP, PMK/PTK/GMK/GTK, RADIUS, 802.1x, EAP. The Boot Camp includes hands-on lectures and lab from the authors of the world’s #1 bestselling wireless security book.

“Most wireless networks are vulnerable to hackers,” stated Dr. Cyrus Peikari, one of the Boot Camp organizers. “Denial of service attacks, weak passwords, encryption flaws and more are threats to any individual, business, or enterprise using 802.11 WiFi networks. And the situation has become more chaotic as the ‘standards’ for wireless networks have changed three times in two years.

To protect yourself, it is a good idea to learn exactly how attackers penetrate your wireless networks. By seeing your weaknesses from the outside, you can better prepare your defenses.”

Boot camp attendees receive the following:

Two full days of interactive lectures and hands-on lab
A printed course syllabus, including all slides
CD-ROM packed with essential wireless tools
Free PCMCIA wireless card used in the course
A copy of Maximum Wireless Security, signed by the authors
Includes continental breakfast on each day

Space is extremely limited and fills up fast. Enroll now online at:

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