Arxceo awarded U.S. Patent for Anti-Reconnaissance and Anti-Address Spoofing technology
Arxceo Corporation has been awarded a crucial U.S. patent covering its core technology and approach to improving network security with its Plug and Protect (PnPRO) and Tag-UR-IT design. Arxceo’s core technology for network attack protection using a ‘signature-less’ anti-reconnaissance-based approach has been validated by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office by awarding the company’s first patent (Patent Number 7,100,201). This patent provides proof of Arxceo’s innovation and unique method for improving network security for its customers.
Arxceo’s technology is efficient and consumes miniscule computing resources compared to other existing methods. An additional design and deployment opportunity for Arxceo’s patent-protected technology is to be embedded in numerous networking products and handheld wireless devices, such as IP-enabled mobile phones. Arxceo’s Tag-UR-IT technology protects network segments by hardening and securing devices such as a switch, router or broadband modem from network attackers. The technology could also protect personal information by designing it into future point-of-sale devices such as parking meters, soda machines and other end-point devices designed to accept cashless commerce.
The technology provides superior network security without requiring expensive hardware. In recent product reviews by leading publications, Arxceo products have been received various awards including a Best Buy and several Editor Choice Awards for 2006. The SC Magazine Best Buy award was won in a bake-off of similar products from eleven vendors because the Ally ip100 was the only product tested that performed flawlessly on every test, even though all of the competition was more expensive with most costing thousands of dollars more than Arxceo’s solution.