Host Intrusion Prevention System for Microsoft Windows Vista
Third Brigade announced that their flagship product Third Brigade Deep Security supports the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system.
However, Third Brigade Deep Security has been architected to protect multiple platforms, and primarily uses deep packet inspection to protect vulnerabilities. This allows us to quickly support new operating system versions, and ensures that our host intrusion prevention system is not a barrier to customer deployments of new platform versions.
Significant security enhancements have been added to Windows Vista and complement the protection provided by Third Brigade Deep Security. Windows Vista and Windows Server “Longhorn” 64-bit versions include PatchGuard, a kernel protection mechanism that is problematic for some security vendor implementations (see Gartner research note G00144225, “Microsoft’s Windows PatchGuard Changes Will Take Years”). PatchGuard has no impact on Third Brigade Deep Security, which uses published APIs as the method to provide additional protection for Microsoft platforms.