Another vendor joins Open Web Application Security Project
Cenzic announced that the company has joined the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), a not-for-profit foundation, as a Vendor Organization member and will sponsor specific projects focused on application security issues.
“Cyber crimes against applications are rising at an alarming pace, and the efforts of organziations like OWASP are crucial in helping to raise awareness and reduce vulnerabilities in Web applications,” said John Weinschenk, president and CEO of Cenzic. “By partnering with OWASP and supporting their critical projects at the program creation level and projects based on sharing best practices and processes, we hope to help corporations protect their legacy Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 applications and further our goal of thwarting attacks against Web applications.”
As an OWASP member, Cenzic’s dues directly support OWASP projects and infrastructure. Cenzic will be supporting three distinct OWASP projects: Site Generator, Corporate Application Security Guide and Security Across Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).
– The OWASP Site Generator project provides a good platform for companies to learn more about application security and fairly test Web Application Security solutions like Cenzic Hailstorm.
– The OWASP Corporate Application Security Rating Guide is a directory of public application security claims from a variety of organizations, referenceable from a reputable source. The purpose of the guide is to gain insight into how the software market is changing and to encourage organizations to disclose their application security practices.
– The Security Across the SDLC is a process guide that will help a broad range of developers incorporate security into the software application development lifecycle.