Good S/MIME – Good Mobile Messaging Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

Motorola recently introduced Good Mobile Messaging Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (Good S/MIME). Designed specifically to meet federal government security policy requirements, Good S/MIME supports the Motorola Q family of smartphones and gives the Department of Defense and associated government agencies a mobile messaging solution that is more personalized and easier to manage and administrate than other alternatives.

Good S/MIME works with the Motorola Q family of smartphones, Bluetooth(R) CAC-readers and standard DoD-issued common access cards to seamlessly secure CAC communication, sign and encrypt emails and attachments, and deliver a superior user experience featuring:

  • Automatic signing and encrypting of attachments, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents and pictures, for greater productivity and maximum security
  • 3-click CAC pairing provides a simple and efficient process for end users to pair their CAC readers to their smartphones and minimizes deployment costs for IT
  • Automatic over-the-air synchronization of all certificates delivers cable-free access to all certificates, including Personal Contacts, rather than just those stored in the corporate directory (GAL and LDAP), for easier, more efficient communication that does not require the use of a cable

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