SmartWorkflow: New security management software blade
Check Point announced SmartWorkflow, a new security management software blade that provides customers the option of extending their security infrastructure with policy change management functionality.
It enables an automated process of tracking, approving and auditing policy changes within the security management console, minimizing configuration errors and optimizing the integrity of network security. SmartWorkflow includes reporting and auditing capabilities that help customers ensure compliance with corporate policies and regulations.
Security administrators are challenged by a constant stream of change requests. SmartWorkflow helps to ensure consistency across the company’s security policy, reducing the possibility of errors and policy mis-configuration.
SmartWorkflow allows administrators to enforce a step-by-step workflow through a single management console — create a new session, work on the session, review session changes, submit session for approval, get approval and deploy changes. Reports can also be easily generated to show what was changed, added or removed before submission for approval, and administrators can compare and restore policies to a previous state.