(Fake) malware leads to real danger

Well, it seems that we are so used to scares regarding viruses and other assorted malware, that the actual information doesn’t even have to be true anymore but can still lead us into danger.

The Register reports that it is still unclear if the latest Facebook virus (Fan check virus) is real or not – it could be that the forum entries are there just to lay the ground for scams that trick you into downloading malware, buying fake anti-virus software or giving up your credit card information.

What IS clear is that searching for the term could lead you to websites set up by malicious individuals, purportedly to give you information about and protection from the virus, but in fact established to relieve you of cash buy buying fake protection.

To avoid this kind of scam now and in the future, It’s advisable to look for such information only on long-standing news sites with a good reputation.

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