Airoscript 2.2 now available
Airoscript is a text-user-interface for aircrack-ng and a great companion for Wi-Fi pentesting. Various attacks are available, such as fragmentation attack, fakeauth, dictionary attacks and WPA cracking.
Changelog for 2.2:
- Renamed all airoscfoo to
- Updated licenses on all documents (closes: 618)
- Bugfixes (lots) on
- Added for automatising wordlist creation.
- Added for airoscript configuration modify trought command line
- Added a initial display message advertising of airoscript use.
- Added support for airserv-ng
- Added tkiptun basic support
- Support for a different interface for injection
- Added more options to conffile.
- Compatibility with cygwin
- Added interactive mode, a more verbose airoscript mode.
- More flexibility for fake auth stuff when doing other attacks.
- Some rt61-oriented bugfixes. For instance it now changes the mac correcly.
- Force user to pay more attention to macs asking to change mac to multiple mac options.
- Added a “special case” terminal: GUI, so if gui is selected as terminal, airosperl will be executed as described in ticket.