Increase Facebook privacy with Safe Profile

76 percent of consumers are concerned about their privacy when they share their life on social platforms. Facebook’s array of privacy settings, which enable users to precisely control the privacy aspects of the details of their accounts, can also be confusing, leading many users to accidentally share information publicly that they intended only for friends to see.

“The average person just wants to have fun with Facebook, not to spend time figuring out the intricacies of privacy settings,” says Maria Nordgren, VP, Consumer Security at F-Secure. “That’s where Safe Profile comes in. We’ve boiled down the most important privacy settings. We scan your profile against them and let you know where your account can be improved.”

Too many settings, pages, and updates in Facebook? Safe Profile informs you about the most important safety and privacy issues, all in one place.

Do Facebook’s privacy options change too often to keep up? Safe Profile stays up-to-date with frequent changes. Does getting a handle on Facebook privacy feel like a job, not a leisure activity? Safe Profile’s recommendations are easy to understand.

Safe Profile is designed to be the fastest privacy scanning engine in the world. After scanning, it gives a rating for the account’s privacy, displays any potential issues and makes recommendations for more secure settings. Safe Profile does not store personal data, it only scans.

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