BigID unveils Certification Program to train privacy and compliance professionals

BigID, the leader in data-centric personal data privacy and protection, announced the launch of the BigID Certification Program. The program is designed to help privacy practitioners advance their skills in data privacy, compliance and governance.

By achieving BigID certification, companies can ensure that their privacy, security, data governance professionals can gain the necessary skills to operationalize privacy across the enterprise using the latest data-driven techniques.

Companies today are held to a new privacy standard by their customers, the public and regulators. In order to become better stewards of customer data and to comply with new privacy regulations, companies are re-examining their privacy practices and looking to enhance privacy skills across privacy, security, and data governance organizations.

BigID’s Certification program aims to train practitioners in these organizations on the state of the art in data discovery and privacy automation that can help companies protect personal information in accordance with CCPA, GDPR and other regulations to avoid fines, lawsuits, financial losses and brand reputation damage.

This certification program also provides companies with a new framework to better evaluate the teams tasked with safeguarding customer data and complying with privacy laws.

“The stakes are too high for companies not to take privacy seriously. We see both current and prospective customers continuously increasing their investment in privacy tools and gearing up their hiring and training of new privacy and data management professionals,” said George Chedzhemov, BigID VP of Client Success.

“Our certification program is designed to help develop this next wave of privacy practitioners. When companies address privacy issues, they reduce the risk of fines, better protect their customer data and create a foundation for responsible growth.”

BigID’s Certification program offers three tracks:

  • BigID Certified Professional – focuses on all BigID knowledge domains including deployment, usage, operationalization, administration and support of the platform
  • BigID Certified User – focuses on BigID usage and operationalization
  • BigID Certified Administrator – focuses on BigID deployment, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting
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